Friday, November 16, 2007


I never "got" Twitter until this morning, when I was doing what I do every day: bemoaning my inability to get any regular posts up to TWGB these days.

I had two or three short things to throw on the blog, but they didn't seem to warrant full posts. Combining them into one didn't feel right— when I'm not going through three weeks of backlogs, I like things to be somewhat separated. So what to do?

Well, I guess, Twitter.

I'm not saying that I'm about to rush and make myself an account; I really do like the idea of having my internet presence being centralized, in respect to this blog. But the impulse that leads to Twittering (or is it tweeting?) makes a lot of sense.

What the solution is, I don't know. The "Linked List" approach that John Gruber uses over at Daring Fireball is a great model for what I'm thinking of; his longer posts have a different style and layout from his daily collection of links. So maybe, as I move to a fully Hutson-designed layout (someday!), I just need to implement something along those lines.

For now, though, I'll probably just end up being inconsistent about it, I'm sorry to say. I'll try and just make posts with my short thoughts/links/whatever; we'll just have to see.