A quick look at the Safari tabs I leave open for days on end, articles and sites I e-mail and like to post about, and the things I get a lot of pleasure out of reveals a few trends, one of which is my preference for really smart data visualization.
In that spirit, here are a few favorites from the past few weeks.
- Andy Baio takes the data of the Whitburn Project (an effort to "preserve and share high-quality recordings of every popular song since the 1890s") and makes some interesting graphs here.
- Stefanie Posavec breaks down Jack Kerouack's On The Road into its component pieces of language and turns that data into the most amazing analytical maps.
- A photograph is cheating slightly, but when used to analyze the density/brightness of man-made light as seen from space, it qualifies as data representation to me.
- Ben Fry took Census data of all streets in the conterminous United States, and plotted them on empty space, and watched a fascinating map of American development appear. This things is streets only. Incredible. Extra details on how here, and updated info here.
Makes me wonder… for all of those important statistics that we just can't seem to collectively care about, maybe all we need is an innovative way to present the data visually – something to impress us with.
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