Regular readers and RSS subscribers will have noticed that there has been a fair amount of activity on the blog here today. This is a result of a "Perfect Storm" for blogging conditions.
- We've had guests recently, slowing the post rate.
- I didn't have my computer at work with me for much of the time our guests were here.
- Work has been oddly busy; I haven't taken many breaks to write this week.
- Tracy is out of town this weekend.
- I had a lot of computer-related housecleaning / maintenance to do.
So, just as soon as I got up, I started getting to work. Organizing a few hundred bookmarks from the past few months; trying to read and go through the 37 (!) Safari tabs I've had open for the past several days; trying to make sense and fix our wireless network (which the Time Capsule has thrown for a whack — more on that later); clean up the miscellaneous digital detritus on my hard drive; and get some backlogged blog posts up.
A fine way to spend a weekend.
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