Monday, December 31, 2007

So Long, 2007

Last post of the year...

It's been 1 year and 3 days since my first post. In that time, I've made 125 posts (including this one), for an average of about one post every three days. 108 of those have been since September, at almost a post a day. I've used 27 categories (or, more accurately, tags, as that's the way I've ended up using them).

Not too bad for Year One.

Many of you may be singing a very famous song tonight: Auld Lang Syne. This is a Scots song, so when you start toasting in the New Year, you're honoring my people.

Wikipedia lists the translation as literally "old long since," meaning either the popular "days gone by" or, alternatively, "long long ago."

Hm. Now that sounds familiar... I wonder if these would work for lyrics?

It is a period of
Civil war. Rebel
Spaceships, striking from a hidden base,
Have won their first victory
Against the evil
Galactic Empire.
During the battle,
Rebel spies managed to
Steal secret
Plans to the Empire’s
Ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR,
An armored space station
With enough power to destroy
An entire planet.
Pursued by the Empire’s
Sinister agents,
Princess Leia races home
Aboard her starship,
Custodian of the
Stolen plans that can save
Her people and restore
Freedom to the galaxy…


Happy New Year, Everyone!!!