Monday, October 01, 2007

Look Before You Link

Two weeks ago, I linked to a story about a meteor crash and Peru, and its similarities to the chupacabra myth. In that post, I linked to the Wikipedia chupacabra page to help describe the beast. I glanced at its contents, verified it was what I wanted, and kept writing.

I should have read the entire page.

Turns out, there has been a chupacabra sighting right in m home state of Maine! As luck would have it, the Wikipedia page discussed and linked to a news story about a "hybrid mutant" (!) that was hit by a car in Turner. Apparently, it "may be the mysterious creature that has mauled dogs, frightened residents and been the subject of local legend for half a generation."

Goes to show that you don't need to go to exotic locales to find strange mythical beasts to mutilate your livestock. You just have to go to Turner, Maine.


Alison said...

So I get bored at work and type your name into google to see what happens. And this is the first thing that comes up. Insane. How the hell are you?!?! Shoot me an e-mail, I'd love to hear from you... I'm in NYC now, can you even believe it?