My father was always incredibly good at correcting my grammar as a kid. I mean it-- by age 14, I knew more about who/whom, lie/lay, effect/affect, objects/subjects, etc. than many teachers. I got Strunk & White's The Elements of Style as a birthday gift, and still consider it a necessary favorite.*
So you should find it to be no surprise that I am now, as I become an adult myself, exactly the same. Not that I have perfect grammar, or that I don't make mistakes; just that I tend to notice things when they're wrong.
And, being the same, I found the two following sites to be hilarious.
Apostrophe Abuse and The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks both post pictures of various signs, websites, letters, and other print media that break some pretty basic rules.
And often to comedic results.
I laughed out loud numerous times browsing these blogs; I highly recommend them.
[* This book is incredible, especially for anyone who writes. If you don't own it, go buy it right now. I mean it. Now.]
The blog of "unnecessary" quotes is pretty fantastic. I definitely "laughed" at it.
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