Bleh, bleh, and bleh.
Yes, I was supposed to be in Yosemite right now, but on Friday I was just feeling too sick to go. That proved wise; Friday night wasn't very pretty. But yesterday got progressively better; I slept through a lot of it in various fits and naps (hence my being up at 1 a.m.).
Interesting note: at no point this weekend did I really want to watch a movie. Sure, I turned the TV on for a little while, but I really wasn't into it. Which is strange; I do love watching movies, and usually take advantage of time when I cannot do anything else.
But not this weekend, not me. Napping and reading and a episode or two of CSI.
Today is a much better day, I feel fairly good and have tried to focus on getting things accomplished. Tracy gets home soon, which I can't wait for; it's funny how lonely you can get over two little days.
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