Today's noodling led me to Vimeo, a YouTube competitor I hadn't heard of— and odds are, neither have any of you. I can't claim to be especially impressed— it's a pretty enough site, but the ubiquity of YouTube realy makes it hard to be able to count on something like Vimeo; will it have what I need when I want to show someone exactly how I feel about Spider-Man 3?* This is very similar to my thoughts on Zooomr, a Flickr alternative— too close to the original (or dominant) player to be worth the trouble of switching, not special enough to be set apart.**
But Vimeo does have one quality; HD content! I've always felt terribly frustrated by YouTube; in an age of DVD and HiDef television, it's super-shitty and compressed (and out of sync!) quality has no excuse. Vimeo, in contrast, looks pretty damned good.
Two videos caught my eye: "Little Booger" is an extremely well animated opening credits scene for nothing; I was particularly impressed with the excellent faux-camera work, and the music gets stuck in my head.
"DeSlime" just looks damn cool.
[* This is a truly hilarious video, by the way. Check it out.]
[** What's that, you say? That this reminds you of the whole Mac/PC debate? Well let me tell you, mister, it is nothing like that at all! ]
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