Friday, January 11, 2008

A Couple of Cool Videos

Here're a few internet finds from the past week or so:

Say what?

That's some great machinima; I especially love the hand wave at the start, and the arm raise that cuts to air guitars for the first chorus. Also, it's a cool ass song.

This is the kind of thing you wouldn't believe if someone told you. Watch the whole thing, it's incredible.

I really love the quality of their moving timelapse; they probably just did wide-angle photography, and then created the camera move in a computer by zooming in and moving the frame, but it still looks damn cool.

Lastly, click here to catch a (brief) glimpse of the new Henry Selick film of Neil Gaiman's Coraline. I read the book over the holiday and loved it; it was kind of like "House of Leaves" for kids. So I look forward to this 3-D film, which is also boasting a killer cast. Except for... Terry Hatcher?!