Whoever this man is, he should be selling tracks (or CDs) of his work online, because I would buy them.
At least as long as they weren't those cheeseball kind of arrangements with lame synth orchestral accompaniment.
I love like this not just because of the baroque-style composition, or the beauty of the music, but also because the mechanics are so simple, laid bare for us to see. The resonator is the glass, like the wooden reed of an oboe, the air within a flute, or your lips as you play the trumpet. The water determines the frequency of that resonance through varying water levels, and so allows a particular glass to be a particular note. Tune it by adding or subtracting some water.
Like most instruments, each "key" is laid out according to some design, but in this case, I wonder what trial-and-error led to this arrangement. It's clear he didn't go for a keyboard-style linear layout, as this is far more clustered.
On a side note, check this page on flute acoustics out. Even as a former flutist, I didn't really understand how a flute vibrated, aside from the "it's like playing a jug or bottle" explanation. Wild stuff.
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