Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Go Away Four Four Days... [Updated]

I leave town for a long weekend in Death Valley with Tracy and her parents, where I had spotty phone service and no internet, and look what happens.

I receive 30 e-mails, most of which are marketing junk and automated mailings.

My phone shows 17 missed calls, with one voice mail (Hi Jamie!).

My dad e-mails me with pictures from Guatemala, and I find out he got pneumonia (Get well soon, Dad, love you!).

My RSS subscriptions, which aren't all that many, show 65 (!) unread article; I've gone full weeks with fewer new articles on these subscriptions.

Apple drops the price of the 1 gig iPod shuffle, intros a new 2 gig shuffle at the previous price point, discontinues its Xserve RAID, and releases Xsan 2 with support for tird-party RAID arrays.

And, the big news du jour, Toshiba is discontinuing HD-DVD!! Huge news, and welcome.

Even bigger news, Fidel Castro stepped down.

(More on the End of the Format War tomorrow, as now I must go to bed, or Tracy will kill me)
