Tuesday, February 05, 2008

We're #1!

Good morning, all.

For it is indeed a good morning.

In doing a little internet research, I found myself performing Google searches on a friend of mine. And that made me think hey, I haven't googled myself in a while.

So I did, and lo and behold, wickedgoodblog.blogspot.com was search result number one! In past searches, my IMDb page had been the top hit. (Aside: Also interesting is that my IMDb page is hit three, right after my NYTimes.com bio page. As exciting as it is to be listed on the New York Times, there is zero information there, whereas my IMDb page has lots.)

Next, I decided to search for "wicked good blog" (with the quotation marks); past searches with the words ungrouped had placed my humble blog at hit three, and I wanted to feel better than three. Results: this site makes it to the first hit!

At this point, I was feeling a little excited, and did the same search again, sans quotation marks. The two sites to beat me in the past were "Our Wicked Good Blog," by a store in Salem, MA called "Wicked Goodz," at number two, with number one being a real estate website that had purchased a domain name that I wanted, "wickedgoodblog.com." I ended up with "thewickedgoodblog.com/.net," they stopped updating in January of last year, and now...

The Wicked Good Blog is the number one result!

I don't claim to know how the Google algorithms work; I know it boils down to page ranking, which is based on how many people link to a given site, and that those links are valued higher if they come from a site with a high page rank itself. So it looks like the thanks should go to... you.

To all of my regular readers, I thank you, first and foremost, for your attention and time—I'm writing this to be read, and you're reading it, so you give this site purpose. That being said, the nice links you seem to be adding are a pleasant bonus.

And for all of you new readers, these are the people you get to live up to...

Search rank is not a measure of success; but as I consider The Wicked Good Blog to be my digital home, I'm glad it comes up as the primary place to find me.
