Thursday, April 03, 2008

My Uncle John Is Awesome, Too

I promise not to start posting about my awesome family every two days – I am not Michael Bay – but my dad's older brother John sent me this yesterday:

I couldn't agree more with the title of your post on your dad's comment on Dick Cheney. Your dad is awesome and I've known him for a long time. I also couldn't agree more with his assessment of Dick Cheney. However, I couldn't help but notice that the date of your pronouncement of your dad's awesomeness was April 1!

I assure you, Uncle John, I meant no jest in my post; it can't be helped by dad chose Stupid Internet Joke Day to be so funny.

But I'm proud to be in the same awesome family as the both of you.


Kevin Baker said...

Since I inherently trust Hutson, I believe that his Uncle John is, in fact, awesome. However, we heard a lot in his email about what he "couldn't" do and I would like to hear more about what he can or even could do. ;-)