Thursday, April 03, 2008


On the eve of Batlestar Galactica's Season 4 premiere, it may be a good time for a recap.

Salon put up a comprehensive article yesterday, which ends with a series of "unanswered" questions, some featuring non-show research.

But, as far as I'm concerned, the only way to catch up is to watch this video.

Brilliantly cut and put together, a group of people spent a lot of time on this. Pulling together that much info isn't easy, and deadpan delivery that perfect takes practice.

Apparently, they make a habit out of promoting top-rated serialized televison dramas: they did a similar recap for Lost.

Tracy, Morgan, Will and I just finished watching the two-part Season 3 finale of Battlestar. We are primed, we are pumped, and we are ready for some fresh frakkin' action – for the first time in over a year!