Two days behind in a row...
Let's just say I hope a lot of you are planning on buying the Lost Season 3 Blu-Ray set. I didn't even come home on Monday night.
In related (?) news, I think my iMac may be wearing down... the hard drive has a *lot* of trouble loading. and I get slow, buggy response from the machine for the first 5-10 minutes after waking it from sleep. It can hang up sporadically during use as well; wait a few minutes, and it recovers.
This seems to be the hard drive to me, but I'm not sure. I'm fairly good with computers; I could probably deal with swapping out the hard drive myself, but I wonder if that's the problem, or just a symptom. I don't love the idea of paying $150 to get the machine assessed, meanwhile not having it available for Tracy while I'm at work. Again, though, I don't want to just buy a new machine for almost 3 large when this one is salvageable and might last me a solid year. Ugh. Decisions like this are *not* my favorite.
With an HD TV, Blu-Ray/HD-DVD (?) player, and possible iPhone looming on the horizon, as well as a trip to Hawaii (more on that later), I really don't want to have to worry about this. Please, baby, just a few more months!
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