Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Quick addition.

I linked to his blog the other day, but I have to come back for more: Jamie Antonisse's blog rocks.

It isn't big or epic; just a very natural personal weblog. No custom CSS, a very default-ish look, but damned good writing. I wish I had a writing style as natural and pleasant to read as Jamie's. His is the ideal personal blog to me: it shares personal details and is about his life, but is entertaining to read beyond that, because the content and style are good. Worth checking out from time to time, and hopefully, if traffic and comment volume increase, he'll make posting a more regular habit.

As a side note, Jamie, like me, goes by his middle name. So we rock. Together.


Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for the vote of confidence man! I've got to admit, it's nice to have a reader!

Gotta tell you, man, I have been waiting patiently for your review of Dragon Wars. I've heard some pretty ominous things, but I'm waiting for the opinion of someone whose movie taste I trust. Am I waiting in vain??

Hutson Hayward said...

"D-War" (strangely, it's pluralized in long form, and singular in short) is coming, my friend. Don't you worry. Perhaps I can talk you into joining me later this week...?

Unknown said...

Any day except Thursday... count me in!