Sunday, September 09, 2007


Here's a little nugget of goodness, courtesy of Jamie Antonisse over at the (aptly named ) Jamie Antonisse Blog. It's a music track he composed for a video game he's working on; as a student at the USC Video Game Design School, this is all part of his curriculum.


Another bit of prelude: Jamie is a wizard at GarageBand. Swear to God. You've never seen anyone use their mouse to create better⎯or funnier⎯music. He does it by dragging/setting each note by hand, and chopping up sampled loops. It's awesome. If I get permission to put some of his earlier tracks up, I'll try and do it. He's doing the score for the entire game (I think), so there's another reason to try and play "Wrath of the Transperator" when the B-Game Competition goes live.

Until then, I am proud to be the first (only?) mirror of... BOSS FIGHT!